Shug is a gifted communicator with a heart for people and a desire to make a difference in this world through HIM Prison Ministry. She is articulate, compassionate, encouraging, and organized. I highly recommend her! She’s a graduate of the Speak Up With Confidence Seminar and she’s energized and dynamic!
— Carol Kent, President, Speak Up, Inc.
It has been my privilege and delight to work with Shug Bury several times through the years. When I first met her it was apparent to me immediately that this woman is a gifted communicator. In a word, Shug is “Bright”. The brightness is evident in her personality and sharp intellect but more importantly it emanates from the light of Christ that shines through her spirit. I highly recommend Shug Bury.
— Bob Stromberg, Comedian

H.I.M. Prison Ministry

P.O. Box 87
Chanhassen, MN 55317

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