Prison Baptism: "HEY, WHAT'S STOPPING YOU?"

"Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." Mark 16:16

Our team is preparing by putting on our armor for the mighty battle that is lying ahead. The inmates have asked that we conduct a baptism in prison. (This is not as easy as one may think.) We have prison rules, regulations, policies, permission and health requirements to work around. Our church has their own procedures that we must follow as well. When it is all done and said, God continues to reign and we are now off and running with a three part series on Baptism.

Tomorrow night - Baptisms Purpose: "Hey, What's Stopping You?"
January 11th - Baptism Preparation: "Embracing and Sharing Your Messy Story!"
January 25th - (Actual Testimonies and Baptism) Baptism's Power: 
"Now's Your Chance For A Power-filled, Victorious Life!"

Prison Baptism Picture.jpg

We need an army of prayer intercessors to help. Are you willing? The following are the ongoing requests for the Series:

  • I urge you to pray for the entire ministry team's protection from Satan's attacks during and after the service.
  • Please petition to the Lord that the unsaved, hurting and demon-possessed inmates will come to all three services and be saved.
  • May the Holy Spirit convict those called, stir hearts towards repentance and receive Christ as Lord - Yahoo!
  • That many will share their testimony and be baptized at the final service. 
  • Pray this Baptism will be joyous celebration for our Lord and Savior.
  • Pray that a revival for Christ would move through the prison like a great tsunami. 

I look forward to hearing how the Lord spoke to you through prayer. 

Hey, by the way, have you been baptized yet?  And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name. Acts 22:16  

Serving shoulder to shoulder with you!


Posted on December 27, 2013 .