This thought is against the grain of society isn't it? Don't assume prison ministry is for you. Remember, God has a plan for your life. It saddens me to see individuals and teams lose focus because of pride. Who are they serving? Themselves or Jesus Christ? They cannot figure out why their teams are falling apart, disintegrating before their eyes and losing impact for God's Kingdom. Turn around, is anyone following you?
This thought is against the grain of society isn't it? Don't assume prison ministry is for you. Remember, God has a plan for your life. It saddens me to see individuals and teams lose focus because of pride. Who are they serving? Themselves or Jesus Christ? They cannot figure out why their teams are falling apart, disintegrating before their eyes and losing impact for God's Kingdom. Turn around, is anyone following you?
I have seen prison team members bring suggestions that fall on the deaf ears of arrogant prison ministry leaders. Team members become frustrated and feel useless and unwanted if they have suggestions that are not considered. At times God prompts improvements or excellence through the team. We are the body of Christ. Are you the leader who prefers the "same ol' same ol" method of doing things that you've always done? Is it easier? Is it less work? My friends, be in prayer for how God is molding your ministry. Remember, we are to shepherd, lead and encourage team members as well as the inmates.
A true leader surrenders to God in on-going prayer. Listens for feedback (it is your friend) and trusts the Holy Spirit's leading to do what is right for the prison ministry.
Leaders of excellence are open to God massaging the ministry into HIS vision and then they act on it. Prison ministry needs a leader who is a visionary. The team should be built on a grand vision to accomplish God's goals. If the leader is a task oriented leader, more interested in the details, then he or she should remain on the team but trust God to pull forth the visionary for the broad large spectrum picture. A visionary leader is always looking for new horizons on God's vision. Then builds the team with task oriented people to go forth to do what needs to be done to accomplish this vision.
Be patient, it may not happen all at once. But God will build according to His purposes. Pray, trust and obey.
Too often misguided leaders and team members are all too consumed with whose names appear on the ministry title? I want to lead something? I want to teach! I want to be in charge! Some want to be up front and center, yet their spiritual gifting is really behind the scenes helping one-on-one. God has a special purpose for each of our lives... are you sure it is prison ministry?
This is God's ministry. Some of the best leaders are humble, servant leaders. Pride comes before the fall, so we each better look honestly at ourselves before God humbles us himself.
This is God's ministry. Some of the best leaders are humble, servant leaders. Pride comes before the fall, so we each better look honestly at ourselves before God humbles us himself.
First pride, then the crash - the bigger the ego, the harder the fall! Proverbs 16:17-18 (Message)
Pray for God to bring the right leaders and team members to come into your prison ministry. If you pray for this, trust me, God will provide.